Day 1: Melbourne

I arrived in Melbourne late last night and despite missing the last trams I finally found my hostel and went straight to bed. It was quite strange to wake up and see sunshine out of the window… Melbourne is a pleasant 25°c at the moment. I decided to spend my first day exploring the city a bit – starting with the impressive Queen Victoria market with 100s of stalls selling everything from food to souvenirs. Then I moved on to cheap viagra for sale the old Melbourne Gaol which is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Melbourne and has a very interesting history, particularly surrouding Ned Kelly who was contraversially hanged there in 1880. Next I hopped on one of the old trams and headed down to the north bank of the Yarra River, and lunch in Federation Square. On my way I caught my first glimspe of the MCG (don’t mention the cricket…) and the giant screen showing the final test in Federation Square was certainly not drawing huge crowds! Just off Federation Square is Melbourne’s own version of St Paul’s Cathedral – not quite as large or historic as its London counterpart but a beautiful building all the same. Finally I spent a few hours wandering through the vast Royal Botanic Gardens. Tommorrow I’m off to Phillip Island in search of Fairy Penguins!

4 thoughts on “Day 1: Melbourne

  1. Bernie Wallace

    Howard dude…. or should i say maaaaaaaate….. So all sounds good so far….. things to add to your Melbourne must see’s…. places bernie has lived…..
    Check out 420 Collins St (it’s one of the main east west st in Melbourne) i lived on the little collins st side of the building very nice appt. Then think it was 621 little bourke st towards the spencer st end of town and then do your self a favour and travel by tram to fitzroy (or walk it’s a nice walk) there are 2nd hand outlet shops and some quirky art shops and some great boutique style restaurants and great vegetarian restaurants there too…..

    check out the casino you can just walk the floor you dont need to gamble to be in there you can just look around it’s open 24hrs but def worth seeing it’s nothing you can describe. You can take photo’s on the outside but def not on the casino floor you may be escorted out if you do….!! also check out the gas flames that do a display on the south bank on the hour from 5pm mqybe 7pm for 5 mins it’s loud but a great sight (if they still do it). Ummmm. St kilda is always a hit and again great restaurants…. just so much to do… anyway wont waste your precious travelling time reading this so have fun explore loads looking forward to the next instalment x

  2. Andy Bird

    So you didn’t leave your laptop at home then. I thought we agreed no work. Oh well this is a brilliant idea though I will be following your adventures. Keep working on the tan. Andy x

  3. Mary Vaughan

    Hi Howie,
    What a fabulous idea to set this up. You can keep in touch with everyone in one “hit”. Paul gave me the link this morning and we both read everything to date. What great weather! It is sunny here today but VERY cold.
    Good on you for your “Good Samaritan” act in Doha!
    The photos are great; I am glad that you have the new camera.
    Take care of yourself and enjoy. I shall look forward to the next bulletin.
    With love,
    Mum xxxxx

  4. Elise

    So amazing! I feel like I’m the adventure with you – but oh no, wait .. I’m is freezing cold, rainy Pinner! So pleased you made it there and having a fab time! Looking forward to reading more! Lots of love

    Ps steal me a fairy penguin!!!!!